1x Packet Baby Corn
1x Box Mushroom
3x Peeled Carrots
3x Mixed Color Peppers
1x Garlic (as much as you want)
1 Big (or 2 little) Chicken Stock Cubes (or vegi ones)
Soya sauce (dark)
Thai Jasmine Rice (avalible in lidil)
You will also need,
a Wok
and some Oil
Please note: You can not use frozen veg, as this is a healthy meal, frozen would be like a insult to the pourpse.
Step 1->
Wash vegtables, slice corn in half, then half again (so like qauters).
Chop peppers up so they look like squares but not to big or too small
(like 1p).
Chop mushroom same like corn, but rinse do not bathe them in water
(we dont want soggy)
Chop carrots into 3 chunks, then cut each in half, then slice lengthways in to slices.
(not too thick, you should get 7ish slices.)
Step 2->
Put wok on heat (eletric 4)
Add little oil (oil should cover bottom of wok easy)
When oil hot, peel and crush garlic (using back of knife) and add to oil.
After a few min add vegtables and a little water and stir.
Open the chicken cubes and crumble over the vegtables.
Pour swish of soya sauce, and cook for awhile till mushrooms go small, and corn goes bendy. Carrot should be soft but little hard, same for pepper.
Add more soya sauce to taste.
Put on low heat, and put rice in water, you need to stir every 3 min intervals as it is a softer rice that burns easy.
When rice cooked, put on plate, put veg on top and serve.
Also nice with thai sweet chilli sauce (can get in tesco 98p)
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