350g Dessicated Coconut
350g Icing Sugar
397g Tin of Condensed Milk
red food color
Vanilla Flavour (optional)
3 tbsp Raspberry Jam (optional)
Step 1 -> Pour condensed milk into a bowl, and stir in the icing sugar. Mix well, and then add the dessicated coconut. Keep mixing it till it is thoroughly combined (it will get really thick, and tough to mix).
Step 2 -> Divide the mixture into 2 portions - adding red color into 1 portion, and mixing till it goes a nice pink color. You can also add raspberry jam, to give it a yummy flavour :P. And in the other portion, you can add vanilla flavouring.
Step 3 -> Greaseproof paper a metal tin, push and flatten the white coconut ice mixture in the tin, and then put the pink coconut ice mixture on top, flatten and place in the fridge overnight to set.
Step 4 -> In the morning, remove from fridge, and cut into pieces and leave to dry for about an hour.
Store in a air-proof container, it will keep for about 3 weeks. :)